var source1 = { publicId: 'snow_horses', info: { title: 'Snow Horses', subtitle: 'A movie about snow horses' } };
var source2 = { publicId: 'dirt_bike', info: { title: 'Dirt Bike', subtitle: 'A short video of dirt bikes' } };
var source3 = { publicId: 'marmots', info: { title: 'Marmots' } };
var player = cloudinary.videoPlayer('player',{
cloud_name: 'demo',
playlistWidget: {
direction: "horizontal",
total: 4
var playlistSources = [source1, source2, source3];
var playlistOptions = {
autoAdvance: true,
repeat: true,
presentUpcoming: 8
// Auto advance to next video after 0 seconds, repeat the playlist when final video ends, and present upcoming video 8 seconds before the current video ends.
player.playlist(playlistSources, playlistOptions);